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Showing articles from Privy tag

Add a Form to Your Shopify Footer

If you're already using displays to grow your contact list, you should also consider replacing the embedded form (e.g., Newsletter) in the footer of your Shopify store with one from Privy. This replacement ensures that all your contacts -- wherever they sign up on your site -- sync with your Privy account and its [lin…

Remove the Privy Branding (Privy logo)

The Privy branding, including the Privy logo and the "Powered by Privy" statement, is automatically removed from your displays when you upgrade to a paid Starter Bundle. This branding cannot be removed or disabled for free accounts. To learn more, check out the [pricing page][1] or upgrade from the [Plans][2] section…

Install Privy on Your Site

You must install a unique Privy code on your website to show your displays to visitors and track your website events, such as display views, in your Privy account. Before attempting the manual install outlined in this guide, please review these platform-specific instructions: [BigCommerce][1], [HubSpot][2], [Shopify][…

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