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Showing articles from Audience Targeting tag

Use Device Type in Targeting Rules

Privy's audience targeting rules are a collection of conditions that allow you to target individuals with specific displays so that you can display the right message, to the right person, at the right time. The 'Device Category' condition is particularly powerful as it empowers you to craft specific messaging or offer…

Target Audience by Shopify Login

Privy's audience targeting rules are a collection of conditions that allow you to target individuals with specific displays so that you can display the right message, to the right person, at the right time. This guide reviews how to leverage some custom JavaScript to show a display to individuals who are or are not lo…

Use Custom Fields in Targeting Rules

Privy's audience targeting rules are a collection of conditions that allow you to target individuals with specific displays so that you can display the right message, to the right person, at the right time. The 'Custom fields' condition empowers you to craft specific messaging or offers based on custom field data that…

Use 'Current URL' in Targeting Rules

Privy's audience targeting rules are a collection of conditions that allow you to target individuals with specific displays so that you can display the right message, to the right person, at the right time. The 'Current URL' condition is particularly powerful as it empowers you to craft specific messaging or offers ba…

Create a Cross Sell Display

A cross-sell encourages or incentivizes customers to add additional items or upgrades to their cart before they finalize their purchase. When a cross-sell keeps the customer's experience and goals in mind, it has the potential to benefit both you and the customer tremendously. You can increase your average order value…

Use Audience Targeting Conditions

Privy's audience targeting rules are a collection of conditions that allow you to target individuals with specific displays so that you can show the right message, to the right person, at the right time. Multiple conditions can be applied to a single display to target specific audience segments like first- time mobile…

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